APTA Federal Leadership

PresidentAndrea Crunkhorn, PT, DPT
Vice PresidentJoseph Kardouni, PT, DPT, PhD
Secretary: Renee Schroeder, PT, DPT
Treasurer: Stacy Pepitone, PT

Section Chief Delegate: Christy Gantt, PT, DPT
Section Delegate: Andrew Golden, PT, DPT, DSc

Air Force Representative: Joel Henderson, PT, DPT and Benjamin Lowry, PT
Public Health Service Representative: Steven Spoonemore, PT, DPT and Zavera Brandon, PT, DPT
Navy/Marines Representative: Cortney Shewmaker, PT, DPT, ATC and Pollyanna Crane, PT, DPT
Army Representative: Jon Umlauf, PT, DPT, DSc and Jose Durbin, PT, DPT, DSc
VA Representative: Peter Glover, PT, DPT and Nicole Casagrand, PT, DPT
Defense Health Agency Representative: Carrie Storer, PT, DPT and Kerry MacDonald PT, DSc
Federal Affairs Liaison: Rachel Winthrop, PTA

Program Chair: LCDR Laura Riebel, PT, DPT
Research Chair: Ignacio Gaunaurd, PT, PhD, MSPT
Membership Chair: Debra Ludwiczak-Henry, PTA
Communications Chair: Katie Qiu, PT, DPT
Practice Chair:  Nathan Parsons, PT, DPT, DSc
PTA Liaison:  Debra Ludwiczak-Henry, PTA
Student LiaisonNoah Ackerman, SPT
Section Historian: Pat McAdoo, PT, M.Ed

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